• Booth: 1349

Welcome to Streetlab We are very excited to be in the ARVO

Streetlab is a company created by the Institut de la Vision de Paris and the Pierre & Marie Curie University in 2012.
At Streetlab, we assess the performance and quality of life of visually impaired people through activities of daily living such as walking, driving, reading, looking for objects, etc., in our technological platforms (artificial street, virtual reality room , driving simulator).
All these activities are evaluated in a safe and reproducible way and as close as possible to the daily reality of visually impaired people.
We are also able to evaluate medical devices, treatment results, intraocular implants, etc., always using our platforms to evaluate people's performances and quality of life through activities of daily living.
Some of our platforms, such as the driving simulator or the virtual reality room, are fully exportable to any part of the world to carry out assessments through the activities of daily life designed by ourselves.  

MOST-VR (MObility Standardized Test in Virtual Reality)
PROMA (Mobility outcome in ultra-low-vision) 
VR-VISA (Vsual searches assessment with peripheral field loss)

Brands: Streetlab - claire vision for the quality of life