M&S Technologies

  • Booth: 1237

Stop by Booth 1237 and demo our Clinical Trial Suite (CTS).

M&S Technologies Clinical Trial Suite (CTS) consists of multiple testing algorithms that ensures precision and efficiency in clinical trials. All study protocols are customizable based on your trial needs. The science behind CTS provides our Clinical Trial clients a high level of precision and repeatability from site to site with reliable results. Our patented technology is peer reviewed, published and recognized by the FDA for all phases of clinical trials.

Choose from:

  • Automated ETDRS Testing at Near, Intermediate, and Distance
  • EVA e-ETDRS (Electronic Visual Acuity)
  • Defocus Curve 
  • Automated Contrast Sensitivity Function System (ACSFS)
  • Linear Sine Grating Contrast
  • Letter Contrast 

M&S Technologies sets the standard in software and product development of cutting-edge technology and vision testing solutions. For over 30 years, our computerized vision testing systems have brought science, accuracy, and ease-of-use to the eye care industry worldwide.

Brands: Clinical Trial Suite (CTS) from M&S.