AF CyberWorx is an Air Force innovation organization focused on Human-Centered Design, futures, and emerging technology. We are homed at USAFA and operationally tied to ACC. We have worked with the Air Force and Space Force, COCOMs, MAJCOMs, and program offices. We develop and run customized events for AF Stakeholders to develop COAs and/or prototypes for organizations to further develop. We harness stakeholders, users, Industry and Academia to solve the AF’s most complex problems.
We have authorities such as OTAs and CSOs to assist our DAF partners with development options and we leverage SBIR/STTR and CIF funds to accelerate early stage solutions.
Brands: We have authorities such as OTAs and CSOs to assist our DAF partners with development options and we leverage SBIR/STTR and CIF funds to accelerate early stage solutions.